Monday 11th January 2021
Good afternoon all,
Thank you to everyone who has sent me an email recently regarding the main NEWS topics (including Trump, Vaccines and New Years resolutions), I promise to email everyone with a reply!
Dragon Hall are continuing to provide 1-1 Digital help, which can be done face to face or even by telephone or Zoom. If you would like to see / speak to Neil this Thursday morning between 10.00am – 1:00pm, drop me an email and I can arrange a 30 minute appointment. No problem too big or too small.

List of Our Weekly Zoom Sessions
09:30 Line Dancing with Emma
11:00 Flamenco Dancing with Sam
10:30 Meditation with Marcos
10:30 Yoga with Marcos
11:30 Pilates with Rosie
18:30 Guitar lessons with Constantin
10:30 Digital Inclusion with Neil
19:00 French Conversation with Constantin
17:00 Belly Dancing with Anita
From Amy: Masterpieces Community Zoom
Wednesday 13th January at 2pm
Italy: These Masterpieces were created in Italy, in various artistic centres and over a period of two hundred years. Bringing together this great range of painting evokes something of the first displays at Buckingham Palace, during the reign of George III.
Several strands of Italian art will be explored. There are sober male portraits, often painted with a bare minimum of detail and colour range, but conveying great psychological intensity.
There are ideal female figures, derived from the study of antique sculpture, their beauty impassive however dramatic the narrative. There are expressive landscapes, ranging from a cataclysmic storm to the unruffled stillness of a sunset. Then there are Canaletto’s boldly expressive views of Venice, where the imposing monuments of the city are spiced with a hint of picturesque shabbiness.
The Zoom link is the same for last month, email me if you did not attend January’s talk

From Tudor: Suffrage, Settlement and Song – Camden’s Women
Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 6 pm
Join prize-winning Blue Badge Guide and author, Rachel Kolsky, for this entertaining virtual tour of Camden inspired by her book Women’s London.
As she shares with you how the book took shape you will ‘meet’ her favourite Camden women who campaigned for and against women’s suffrage, those who provided youth clubs and class rooms and the ‘mother of feminism’ alongside stories of entertainers, the Bloomsberries and medical pioneers.
Book your place for this free event here –

From Theresa:
Covent Garden Food Bank
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials can provide you with a free food package each week.
If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know. You can contact Amber at or you can reach John either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities with food via Covent Garden Food Bank, calls via the phone support line and assistance to get online for those who are digitally disadvantaged.

That’s all for now – You can contact Amber at

……….or you can reach me either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.