Wednesday 27th January 2021
Good morning all,
Welcome to our daily online newsletter detailing all our forthcoming Zoom Activities, during Lockdown, as well as a number of special free sessions.

Building London: From Romans to the Tudors (Part One)
Talk by Chris Barlow, Friday 29th, 11:00 – 12:00
Join Chris as he tells the story of our great city which has prospered for over 2,000 years and survived to become one of the great cities of the world. Wars, plague and fire has not dimmed it’s vitality and despite the many concerns caused by Lockdown the resilience of its people will make sure we recover our spirit.
London has always been a melting pot of people’s and ideas from around the world and it is surely one of the most multicultural places on earth. Today over 150 languages are spoken on its streets and this talk,the first of 3 looks at how the “ Building of London” is so much more than mere bricks and mortar.
Please email me for the Zoom Link
SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS – Friday 5th February, 2.00 – 3.00
Come and join us for a FREE Spanish for beginners taster by Zoom. Whether you holiday in Spain, have family there, or want to join the 585 million Spanish speakers in the world, this is the session for you !
Hasta pronto ! See you soon !
Please email me for the Zoom Link

OPTIONS FOR ENERGY – Free talk, Tuesday 16th February, 2.00 – 3.30
Stuart Sweeney will talk about the different options for energy generation today. We will then look at future energy requirements and how they might be met including a new option, nuclear fusion – radically different to current nuclear fission power stations. We will close with a Q&A session.
Please email me for the Zoom Link

List Of All Our Weekly ZOOM Sessions
Please find our updated list. If you would like to join a session,
Please email me for the Zoom Link
09:30 Line Dancing with Emma
11:00 Flamenco Dancing with Sam
10:30 Meditation with Marcos
10:30 Yoga with Marcos
11:30 Pilates with Rosie
18:30 Guitar lessons with Constantin
10:30 Digital Inclusion with Neil
19:00 French Conversation with Constantin
17:00 Belly Dancing with Anita
Wednesday 3rd Feb, Royal Collection Trust Talk
Masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age
Saturday 6th Feb: “Images of Love : A Celebration”
From Cleopatra and Mark Anthony to Kim Kardashian and Kanye and the rumoured divorce!
Please email me for the Zoom Link
Covent Garden Food Bank
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials can provide you with a free food package each week.
If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know. You can contact Amber at or you can reach John either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities with food via Covent Garden Food Bank, calls via the phone support line and assistance to get online for those who are digitally disadvantaged.
View our latest video on our YouTube Channel:
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials might be able to provide you with a free food package each week. If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know.
You can contact Amber at or you can reach me either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.

That’s all for now – You can contact Amber at

……….or you can reach me either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.