Saturday 15 October 2022
Good morning all – I hope that you have a good weekend. A few things that I want to share with you today, I will forward a full newsletter during the week. For those who have booked for Kew Gardens tomorrow, I look forward to seeing you at the main gate at 12pm.
You can leave me a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is: 07759 646507
My email address is:

Coffee Morning and Free Film Showing
THURSDAY 24th November 11:00am
Thank you to everyone who requested a free lifetime membership to The Garden Cinema. It was wonderful to receive over fifty requests. The Garden Cinema have invited members of the Dragon Hall to a coffee morning and then stay for a free showing of the A Sense Of History by Mike Leigh, a dark comedy which I enjoyed very much.
If you are interested in taking part in the FREE event and seeing this beautiful cinema, please complete the link below:-

Chamber Spotlight: Appalachian Spring
Wednesday 9th November 2022, 7:30pm
Hear chamber music favourites alongside works you might not know in Chamber Plus, with this concert inspired by American landscapes.
Copland’s enduringly popular Appalachian Spring, containing the recognisable ‘Shaker’ melody, tells the story of a group of American pioneers in this 1944 version written for 13 instruments. Alongside Dvořák’s String Quintet no 3, composed during a summer he spent in Iowa, is music from American composers Leonard Bernstein and Caroline Shaw – the youngest composer to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Music at the age of just 30.
I have six FREE tickets – please complete the form below:

Thank you to everyone who has booked a forthcoming Christmas lunch at CGCC at 7 Dials Club. Please note that I have received 200 requests so far.
This leaves approximately 25 spaces left on Monday 19th and 30 on Tuesday 20th.
If you would like to book, please click to use the form below:
Please note that it is one member per booking per form and the cost will be £6.50
Payment is in person and by cash. Please note the following times that you can come and see me and collect your ticket. PLEASE CAN YOU CONTACT ME AND BOOK A DAY AND NOT JUST TURN UP.
Fridays 4th,18th, 25th November
Friday 2nd December
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Venue: CGCC at 7Dials

Regular Classes
09:00 Line Dancing (Zoom; £1 per class)
11:00 – 13:00 Badminton (Free – but booking essential)
10:00 – 12:00 Jewellery Class (Full)
11:15 – 12:15 Pilates (£5.00)
10:00 – 12:00 Drop In Digital Workshop by Camden
11:15 – 12:15 Flamenco (£3.00)
13:00 – 15:00 Badminton (Free – booking essential)
13:00 – 15:00 Digital Photo Class
10:00 – 11:00 Tai Chi (Free – Zoom)
10:00 – 12:00 1-1 digital support (appointment only)
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Club (Free)
For any other queries email me directly or leave a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is 07759 646507

Forthcoming Activities
Friday 14th
12:30 Free Lunch at Phoenix Garden
13:00 Prize Pub Quiz
Sunday 16th
12:00 Free entry to Kew Gardens (full)
Friday 21st
11:30 Talk by Susan George
Friday 28th
13:00 Halloween Tea Dance
Sunday 30th
11:00 Social Walk with Richard (full)
Christmas Lunch
Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December 2022
For any other queries email me directly or leave a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is 07759 646507

And Finally…
If you need to contact me, please contact me only on this mobile number 07759 646507.
Please do not visit me at Dragon Hall. I work at different venues throughout the week and I might not be there.
It is essential that all events/workshops or classes are booked in advance. Dragon Hall is still following social distancing guidelines and most sessions are now fully booked. If you would like to attend an event, please ALWAYS contact me beforehand.
Please note that all payments for classes are paid online via our website. If you have any difficulty with this, I am happy to assist. But again, this must be done beforehand and booked with me.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities.
Friday Lunch Club – April 2022

Contact John at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.