Tuesday 2nd August 2021
Good morning afternoon all,
How was your weekend? Have you been following the Olympics? What was your standout moment? There have been so many (the swimming has been incredible), however, I was in awe of Charlotte Worthington and her incredible 360 somersault to win the gold.
Please do keep sending me your suggestions, I will start planning and adding them to the timetable, once it is safe to do so.

List Of Weekly ZOOM Sessions
Please find below our weekly zoom timetable, and if you have any suggestions for future sessions, do please send me an email.
09:30: Line Dancing (restarts in September)
11:45: Pilates (restarts in September)
14:00: Queens Gallery Workshop
18:30: Guitar Lesson with Constantine (restarts in September)
19:00: French Conversation (restarts in September)
11:00: Gentle Tai Chi
14:00: Spanish Conversation (restarts in September)
17:00: Belly Dancing
List Of WEEKLY In-Person Sessions
10:30: Yoga with Marcos (PG)
11:45: Pilates with Rosie (restarts in September) (PG)
10.00: 1-1 Digital Support with Neil (restarts 19th August)
11:15 – 12:15: Flamenco with Sam (DH)
(DH – Dragon Hall, PG – Phoenix Garden, 7D – 7Dials Club)

Monday 23rd
12.00 – 14.00 Live Music Now Concert at Dragon Hall (limited spaces)
Wednesday 1st
09:00: Coach Trip to Margate
Cost £5, leaving from Dean Street. ONLY 8 SPACES
Thursday 9th
12:00: Free Visit to Kew Gardens
Tuesday 14th
10:00: Jewellery Making with Beverly (six-week course at Phoenix Garden)
Thursday 16th
14.00 – 15.00: Tour of Covent Garden and visit to Freemason Hall with Chris Barlow
Thursday 30th
14:00 – 15:00: Chris Barlow Talk: (a life spent in the company of art)

From Nicky:
Camden Council is inviting residents to join an independent Residents’ Panel to develop a Data Charter
What is a Data Charter?
A policy framework and set of principles to guide our approach to how we use the data we hold, now and in the future.
Camden Council recognises that data rights are human rights, and wishes to go beyond the legal requirements for our use of data to agree a set of ethical principles with our residents. The Residents’ Panel will consider feedback from the public engagement, together with insights from expert speakers on the subject of data use and data ethics to draft the Data Charter.
No experience or prior knowledge of the subject is needed. In fact, the Panel is about giving people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences the opportunity to have their say about how Camden uses the data we hold now and in the future.
If you are a Camden resident aged 16 or over, you are eligible to take part. You must be available for all 3 days of the panel and to thank participants for their commitment and contributions, we are offering £230 shopping vouchers to participants who attend all the sessions.
You can register your interest to become a panel member by completing an online questionnaire (should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete) or email us on CamdensDataCharter@camden.gov.uk

From Amy: August Community Zooms from Royal Collection Trust
Please find below, and attached, details of our Community Zoom sessions, open to all, during August.
Wednesday 4 August 2pm – Prince Philip: A Celebration
Join Royal Collection Trust curators, Sally Goodsir and Emma Thompson, as they talk about the displays at Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh, which commemorate the remarkable life and legacy of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip.
Wednesday 11 August 2pm – Modern day Royal Portraits
Join us as Dawn Purkiss discusses modern-day portraits of HRH Prince Philip and H.M. The Queen.
Wednesday 25 August 2pm – Slow Looking with the Limina Collective
In this special session we will be joined by slow-looking and mindfulness expert Lucia van der Drift as she gives us the opportunity to slow down, relax and really look at one the ‘Masterpiece’ paintings from the Royal Collection.

From Tudor Allen: London’s First Mosque And Other Key Muslim History in Camden
Tuesday 3rd August 2021 at 6pm
London’s first mosque was established in 1895 within what is now Camden. In this illustrated talk AbdulMaalik Tailor, Britain’s first professionally qualified Muslim Tour Guide, tells its story and examines other key Muslim history of the borough. The talk lasts forty-five minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
Book your place at this free event here
Covent Garden Food Bank
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials can provide you with a free food package each week.
If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know.
Email John: john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities with food via Covent Garden Food Bank, calls via the phone support line and assistance to get online for those who are digitally disadvantaged.
View our latest video on our YouTube Channel:
Contact Us
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials might be able to provide you with a free food package each week. If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know.
You can reach me either at john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.

Contact John at john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.