Monday 5 December 2022
Good evening all,
Welcome to our weekly online newsletter, which lists some of the current and future activities that Dragon Hall organise.
You can leave me a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is: 07759 646507
My email address is:

Xmas Lunch Spaces
Due to a few cancellations, we have a few spaces at our Christmas lunches.
Monday 19th December = 5 spaces
Tuesday 20th December = 2 spaces
Cost is £6.50 (cash), to book a space, please email me directly

Kew Garden – 2023 Season
Start the New Year with a visit to Kew Gardens, walk off all the Christmas excess and enjoy Kew at one of its most beautiful seasons. It may be cold but the Gardens are still thriving with winter greenery. Take a stroll down Holly Walk near the Temperate House to see one of Europe’s most comprehensive holly collections, planted in 1874. Spanning 40 acres, it’s home to a diverse collection of trees including towering redwoods and rare treasures such as our Japanese Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga japonica). This is the perfect time of year to admire them, particularly when dusted with winter frost on a chilly day.
To reserve a space, please use the form below:

The Garden Cinema Film Club
Due to popular demand, I am organising a monthly film club for members. Each screening will take place at the Garden Cinema, Covent Garden. If you are interested in taking part you will have to be a life time member (free with a link and discount code.) The first screening will be next year, and have a Jack Nicholson theme – choice are:
Wednesday 11th January (15:00 pm)
Wednesday 18th January (15:00 pm)
Cost £2.00
To reserve a space, please complete the form below

Regular Classes
09:00 Line Dancing (Zoom; £1 per class)
11:00 – 13:00 Badminton (Free – but booking essential)
10:00 – 12:00 Jewellery Class (Full)
10:00 – 11:00 Yoga (£5.00)
11:15 – 12:15 Pilates (£5.00)
10:00 – 12:00 Drop In Digital Workshop by Camden
11:15 – 12:15 Flamenco (£3.00)
13:00 – 15:00 Badminton (Free – booking essential)
13:00 – 15:00 Digital Photo Class
10:00 – 11:00 Tai Chi (Free – Zoom)
10:00 – 12:00 1-1 Digital Support (appointment only)
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Club (Full)
For any other queries email me directly or leave a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is 07759 646507

Forthcoming Activities
Monday 5th
13:00 An Illustrated Historical Talk: Camden and the Great War
Wednesday 7th
14:00 Royal Collection Talk
Royal Christmas Traditions
From personalised cards, to Christmas trees on tables, find out more about Royal Christmas traditions and which ones we still observe today. Join us and get into the Christmas spirit early as we also say thank you for your support during the year.
Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th
Christmas Lunch
For any other queries email me directly or leave a message on Whatsapp.
My Mobile number is 07759 646507

And Finally…
If you need to contact me, please contact me only on this mobile number 07759 646507.
Please do not visit me at Dragon Hall. I work at different venues throughout the week and I might not be there.
It is essential that all events/workshops or classes are booked in advance. Dragon Hall is still following social distancing guidelines and most sessions are now fully booked. If you would like to attend an event, please ALWAYS contact me beforehand.
Please note that all payments for classes are paid online via our website. If you have any difficulty with this, I am happy to assist. But again, this must be done beforehand and booked with me.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities.
Friday Lunch Club – April 2022

Contact John at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.