List Of Weekly ZOOM Sessions
Please find below our weekly zoom timetable, and if you have any suggestions for future sessions, do please send me an email.
09:30: Line Dancing
11:45: Pilates
14:00: Queens Gallery Workshop
11:00: Gentle Tai Chi
14:00: Spanish Conversation
17:00: Belly Dancing
List Of WEEKLY In-Person Sessions
10:30: Yoga with Marcos (PG)
11:45: Pilates with Rosie (PG)
11:15: Flamenco Dancing (DH)
(DH – Dragon Hall, PG – Phoenix Garden, 7D – 7Dials Club)

Talk about the Camden Town Group of Post-Impressionist Artists
Tuesday 20th July
18:00 Talk about the Camden Town Group of Post-Impressionist Artists
Dr Ellie Pridgeon, Consultant Archivist and teacher of the History of Art, examines the work of the Camden Town Group of artists of the early twentieth century and its significance.
The talk lasts forty-five minutes and will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

Thomas Becket murder and the making of a saint
Saturday 24th July
18:40 Thomas Becket murder and the making of a saint
Discover the murder that shook the Middle Ages in this dramatic exhibition about the life, death and legacy of Thomas Becket at the British Museum.
I have booked six free tickets for this weekend’s evening event. If you are interested, please email me.

Social Afternoon at Dragon Hall
Thursday 5th August
13.00 – 15.00 Social Afternoon at Dragon Hall
Chris Barlow will be providing an informal talk entitled ‘Brief history of the British seaside’. Seaside resorts first developed in Britain in the 1700s when the practice of ‘taking the waters’, popular at spa towns, extended to the coast. Doctors began to prescribe immersion in seawater for the treatment of conditions like rabies, gout, hysteria, and melancholy!
Join us for a free simple lunch afterwards
Please note that this event is limited to 12 people.

Social Afternoon at Dragon Hall
Monday 23rd August
12.00 – 14:00 – Social Afternoon at Dragon Hall
Join us for a free informal lunch and then sit down and enjoy a free concert provided by Live Music Now. I am very pleased to announce that Flute and piano duo, Rosie Bowker and Aleksandra Myslek will be providing a very special performance for Dragon Hall members.
Please note that spaces will be limited, so must be booked very early.
Covent Garden Food Bank
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials can provide you with a free food package each week.
If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know.
Email John: john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities with food via Covent Garden Food Bank, calls via the phone support line and assistance to get online for those who are digitally disadvantaged.
View our latest video on our YouTube Channel:
Contact Us
Please do contact us if you need a food parcel – CCGG @7Dials might be able to provide you with a free food package each week. If you need help with shopping, collecting medication or just want someone to talk to by phone – please let us know.
You can reach me either at john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.

Contact John at john@dragonhall.org.uk or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.