Sunday 3rd May 2020 – Day Forty One

Amber is on duty today, she can be contacted on 0751 360 5766

Good morning all – hope that you are having a good weekend so far. Mine is lovely, my son is with me this weekend, and we are having a movie, game marathon with much popcorn in between – even for breakfast!!

Today marks 41 days of Lockdown – wow can you believe it. For me the time has gone fast, but for many this period has been a very difficult time. To support you through this period we can offer the following:

  • Regular phone call (even daily)
  • Support with shopping
  • Free Food Parcel
  • Zoom activities
  • Signposting you to advice (benefits, IT problems, health related)

Please get in touch if you need help!


What can I share with you today?




Foodbank – this service has begun in earnest, Phil and his volunteers are now getting FREE food parcels to residents in the local area. We are flexible with regards to who we can help. If you fit the following criteria, please contact us:

  • Self Isolation due to symptoms
  • Isolation due to vulnerable or shielded status
  • Income reduction because of lockdown & crisis measures
  • Income reduction while waiting for benefits to arrive
  • Homeless

Go to Registration Form



From the Chris B:

Victoria and Albert Museum: #LetsMakeWednesdays – Clothing Design Challenge . Let’s make something new and fun to wear! This week’s challenge is all about clothing. The V&A has lots of clothes, shoes and accessories made by famous designers. They come in all shapes and sizes, colours and textures.

Here’s the Link



From Sheila S:

Royal College of Music. Alessio Trio: Dvořák Piano Trio no 4 ‘Dumky’. Three fine Royal College of Music musicians perform Dvořák’s Piano Trio no 4. The ‘Dumky’ trio is one of the composer’s most popular and original.



From Dominic:

Future Learn. Keep learning, wherever you are.

Stay connected. Is coronavirus affecting your education or work? Explore online courses to continue studying, build professional skills, and connect with experts.

Here’s the Link



From Gil:

West End at War: history, photos, memories, and maps of London during the Second World War. Westminster’s wartime story can now be told on the West End at War website, thanks to a £50,000 Heritage Lottery (HLF) Grant.

Here’s the Link




From Chris:

A workout that I could do everyday. Lazy Lockdown Workout – Foil Arms and Hog.


From Enrica:

Adley Takes On CoronaVirus! Meet Adley From “The Adley Show”. Her Comedic Routine On Rules And What Not Surrounding CoronaVirus Are Absolutely Spot-on.


From Jerry who asks:

What is your favourite “Doctor, Doctor…” Joke. These are Jerrys’:

Patient – Doctor, doctor I’m addicted to brake fluid.

Doctor – Nonsense man, you can stop any time.


Patient – Doctor, doctor, I feel like a bell.

Doctor – Take these pills, and if they don’t help, give me a ring.




From Claire C:

Healthy Affordable Eating. It is healthy, mainly vegan/vegetarian, affordable and hopefully can give you some meal ideas! It is also realistic, She is  no “insta model”! 


From Steve S:

Yoga for Anxiety – 20 Minute Practice – Use the tools of yoga to find peace and support from within. This simple practice is hands free and low to the ground. Good for when you are feeling anxiety or seeking more balance in your life



From Leah:

10 Minute Full Body Seniors Workout | The Body Coach TV. Nice and simple routine. 


Another beautiful Monologue by Janet.

‘Snow’ is a poem by Louis MacNeice. It is about the nature of reality, about the way things are, and about the dialogue between the conscious and the subconscious. It is a poem with an intense duality, showing the physical world as marvelous and bizarre, while also invoking what lies beyond the physical world. It is a poem about poetry, because poetry in its fullest sense is also a dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious.

The room was suddenly rich and the great bay-window was

Spawning snow and pink roses against it

Soundlessly collateral and incompatible:

World is suddener than we fancy it.


World is crazier and more of it than we think,

Incorrigibly plural. I peel and portion

A tangerine and spit the pips and feel

The drunkenness of things being various.


And the fire flames with a bubbling sound for world

Is more spiteful and gay than one supposes –

On the tongue on the eyes on the ears in the palms of one’s hands –

There is more than glass between the snow and the huge roses.



That’s all for now!

You can contact me on 07759 646507 in case of an emergency

Be safe
