Monday 8 January 2024
Hi Members! Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and are ready for whatever 2024 has in store for us all.
Please still email while John is away as we are covering his emails. The WhatsApp/phone number is operational- 07759 646 507 and will be answered by Phil at CGCC. You can also contact Elliot – – especially about anything digital!
To take part in any activities delivered by Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust and Covent Garden Community Centre – including trips and visits you need to sign up to become a member. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions including the ‘Code of Conduct for Members’. Please click on this link to sign up for membership
We operate a Food Pantry out of Covent Garden Community Centre every Friday. If you, or any friends or family, need support due to the Cost of Living Crisis you can request support. Natalie will contact you and arrange an appointment on a Friday for you to collect an emergency Food Parcel. You can apply on this link.
We also offer One-to-One Advice Sessions with a qualified advisor from our partners Mary Ward Legal. We can cover advice on benefits, housing, debt and financial issues and other general problems. Sessions are by appointment and are an initial one hour long. They take place on Wednesdays at Covent Garden Community Centre. You can request an appointment here

NEW YEAR Activities! The activities at Dragon Hall and CGCC start from Monday 8th January 2024
Every Monday, 10am Line Dance – this is an online class and is great fun. Only £1 per class – 12 classes need to be booked at the same time so cost is £12 for 12 weeks of classes. Please use this link to register for LINE DANCE and to pay your £12. (Places Available)
Tuesday January 9th 2024 – Jewellery Class starts again, 10am to Noon
Please email or text 07759 646 507 if you would like to get on the list for the classes, the sessions are structured so that you learn new things each week – you should commit to attending the whole course to get the best out of this!
The Lunch Club on Friday 12th January is fully booked – if you want to book for the 19th January 2024 (Sausage & Mash) or the 26th January 2024 (Lasagne with Salad) please email Phil –
January Tea Dance Saturday 20th January 2024, 13:00 – 15:30 at Covent Garden Community Centre. Booking is essential and you can reserve your place on this Booking Form

British Museum: Legion, Life in the Roman Army.
Sunday 28th January 14:30 (15 Tickets available)
Special exhibition – Click this link to apply for a ticket!
From family life on the fort to the brutality of the battlefield, experience Rome’s war machine through the people who knew it best – the soldiers who served in it. The Roman empire spanned more than a million square miles and owed its existence to its military might. By promising citizenship to those without it, the Roman army – the West’s first modern, professional fighting force – also became an engine for creating citizens, offering a better life for soldiers who survived their service.
Expansive yet deeply personal, this exhibition transports you across the empire, as well as through the life and service of a real Roman soldier, Claudius Terentianus, from enlistment and campaigns to enforcing occupation then finally, in Terentianus’ case, retirement.
What did life in the Roman army look like from a soldier’s perspective? What did their families make of life in the fort? How did the newly-conquered react? Legion explores life in settled military communities from Scotland to the Red Sea through the people who lived it.
Special exhibition – Click this link to apply for a ticket!

English National Opera – The Magic Flute – The Magic Flute Singing Sessions
Take part in The Magic Flute singing sessions led by joyful and talented artists from the English National Opera ! (Only 30 spaces available – all 3 dates need to be attended to be eligible for a ticket, priority is given to residents of Westminster and Camden – however residents of other boroughs will still be included).
This winter, the English National Opera are visiting a range of groups across Westminster and beyond and will then be inviting everyone for a large community sing along on the Coliseum stage. Sessions will offer gentle warm ups, connecting body and mind and an exploration of the timeless themes and music of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Participants will also get a chance to hear operatic singing up close with opera singers singing especially for them.
No prior singing experience is needed – sessions are all about embracing the sheer pleasure of singing together. Join us for a collective celebration of music and community on the following dates :
Session 1 : Friday 2 February, 14.30-16.30, Covent Garden Community Centre @ Seven Dials Club, 42, Earlham Street, London, WC2H 9LA
Session 2 : Friday 1 March, 14.30-16.30, Covent Garden Community Centre @ Seven Dials Club, 42, Earlham Street, London, WC2H 9LA
Session 3 : Friday 22 March, 10.00 – 12.00 at the London Coliseum (arrival from 9.30).
This session will involve other community groups and will be an opportunity for everyone to sing on the Coliseum stage !
Everyone taking part will also be invited to watch the full production of The Magic Flute at the
ENO, London Coliseum.

Forthcoming Activities
January 2024
10:00 Line Dancing (On Zoom)
12:00 – 15:00 Badminton (at Dragon Hall – Free)
10:00 – 12:00 Jewellery Class (at CGCC – 2 spaces available)
12:30 – 13:30 Qi Gong (at CGCC – starts 16 Jan 24)
10:00 – 11:00 Yoga (at Dragon Hall – £5.00)
11:15 – 12:15 Pilates (at Dragon Hall – £5.00)
14:45 – 15:45 Tai Chi (at CGCC)
10:00 – 12:30 1-1 Digital support (at CGCC, Free, booking essential)
12:00 – 13:00 Flamenco (at Dragon Hall – £5.00)
13:00 – 16:00 Badminton (at Dragon Hall – Free)
13:00 – 15:00 Creative Digital Class (at CGCC – starts 18 Jan 24)
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Club (at CGCC – Starts Friday 12th Jan, booking essential)
Last Friday in the month at Dragon Hall is LB Camden Council Surgery – from 18:30 to 20:00. Councillors are available. Drop in to these sessions.
Can You Help Dragon Hall Trust?
Your donation will support vulnerable members of our communities.
Christmas Lunch – December 2022

Contact John at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.